Invited Speaker-----Dr. Piyush Rai

Professor, Mining Engineering, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT (BHU), India
Speech Title: Assessment of Firing Patterns on Moderately Strong and Weak Sandstone Cover Rocks in a Surface Mine
Abstract: The present paper highlights the application of three different types of firing pattern on two different type of sandstone overburden benches of a large coal mine in India. The study reveals that firing pattern influences the effective spacing to burden ratio at the time of detonation. By changing the firing pattern, effective burden (Be) changes and the ratio of effective spacing (Se) to effective burden (Be) during the firing is also subject to change in comparison to drilled spacing to burden ratio (S/B). Hence, the Se/Be ratio vis-à-vis firing pattern plays a strategic role in design of the blasting rounds. The results have been derived on the digital image analysis based fragment size characterization, excavator performance and evaluation of powder factor values on blasted muck piles. Skewed V- type firing yielded the best results in comparison to straight v-type and normally practiced diagonal firing pattern on the moderately strong sandstone benches, whereas, the existing diagonal firing pattern appears to be satisfactory on weak (weathered and gritty) sandstone benches. The presence of geological anomalies has also been investigated. Post-blast fragment size, excavator cycle time and powder factor data have been used to evaluate the results.
Keywords: Effective spacing; Effective burden; Firing pattern; Fragment size; Excavator performance; Powder factor.