Invited Speaker-----Dr. Rüstem Gül

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Atatürk University, Turkey
Speech Title: Assessment of In-Situ Concrete Strength of Existing RC Buildings in Erzurum, Turkey
Abstract: In seismic assessment of existing RC buildings, one of the most basic requirements is determination of in-situ concrete compressive strength. Besides, in Turkey, one of the major causes of RC building damages, occurred in the recent earthquakes, is the insufficient concrete strength. For the huge building stock, on-site determining of existing concrete strength is impossible in terms of required a great time and cost. But, to estimate in-situ concrete strength for existing buildings, the suitable statistical approaches based on available in-situ concrete strength data can be useful.
In this paper, the evaluation of the concrete compressive strength data with 1114 cores and hammer rebounds obtained from previous building assessment studies which have been made on the existing RC buildings in Erzurum city by Atatürk University and Erzurum Test Construction Materials Test Laboratory was made. Statistically, a general situation assessment was made for in-situ concrete compressive strength of existing RC buildings in Erzurum city. Moreover, for Erzurum city, the characteristic relationships between the in-situ concrete strength and construction year of buildings was proposed in order to estimate the in-situ concrete compressive strength in seismic performance assessment of existing RC buildings.