Keynote speaker---Prof. Sigitas Tamulevičius

Prof. Sigitas Tamulevičius, Member of the European Materials Research Society
Professor of the Physics Department, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Republic of Lithuania
Biography: Prof. Dr. Habil. Sigitas Tamulevičius, obtained his Physics Engineer degree from the Moscow Engineering Institute in Physics (Moscow, former USSR) in 1979, a Ph.D. degree from the University of Vilnius (Lithuania) in 1984, Doctor Habilitus degree from Kaunas University of Technology (1994). From 1990 to 1991, he was a postdoc at Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden). In 1994 he was Research Scholar, Fulbright Scholarship, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). Since 1996 he is full professor at the Physics Department and Research director of the Institute of Materials Science of Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania). He has co-founded spin-off company producing optical security means, co-authored approx. 220 peer reviewed publications indexed in Web of Science (WS) in the field of vacuum and plasma technologies and optical microstructures with more than 1200 citations (h-index: 18), and is (co-) author of approx. 15 textbooks on different aspects of Materials Science. From 2002 he was Member expert and from 2010 he is full Member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Prof. Tamulevičius has received series of awards including Soros Foundation Research Grant, (1993) (Awarded by American Physical Society), Fulbright certificate (1997), National Award for Science (2000), Recognition letter by the President of EMRS (2010), Kaunas city Best scientist award (2017). He was awarded Adjunct professor in Materials Science at Southern Denmark University (2016). He is Editor in Chief of Scientific Journal “Materials Science (Medžiagotyra)" (WS, Clarivate Analytics) , Member of Editorial Board of “Materials Research express” (IOPScience). He was a national representative in FP7 NMP programme. He headed multiple research projects funded by European Framework Program, COST, Eureka, NordForsk, Lithuanian State Foundation for Research and Studies, the Research Council, as well as Science and Innovation Agency of Lithuania.
Title: 2-D nanostructures for sensor applications
Abstract: Two types of ordered nanoparticle systems (linearly arranged nanoparticles in 1- D periodic structures either 2-D nanometer structures of nanoparticles) as potential building blocks for optical sensors or catalytic applications will be presented exploring both top-down and bottom-up approaches. In the top - down approach, reactive magnetron sputtering (high-power impulse magnetron sputtering mode-HIPIMS) of silver target was used to deposit thin films of diamond like carbon (DLC) nanocomposites including silver nanoparticles. Analysis of optical and electrical properties of thin DLC based silver nanocomposites (DLC:Ag) as well as effects of thermal treatment will be shortly presented. Structuring features of the nanocomposites using reactive ion sputtering combined with nanoimprint lithography or femtosecond laser irradiation was used to produce 1-D or 2-D submicron structures of DLC:Ag. Influence of plasma parameters applied during reactive ion etching as well as role of laser beam parameters like fluence, polarization were studied systematically paying attention to the evolution of 2-D system of nanoparticles.
Alternatively (bottom-- up approach), 2-D submicron system of silver nanoparticles was produced applying capillary assisted particle assembly (CAPA) method. Response of colloidal solution of silver nanocubes with edge dimensions ranging from few to tenth nanometers were studied applying pump-probe spectroscopy and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Applying different types of templates produced by holographic lithography either e-beam lithography, 2-D systems of silver nanocubes was produced employing an original CAPA setup. Role of different solvents, humidity and substrate temperature were studied to produce highly ordered 2-D nanometer structures. Pump probe spectroscopy experiments indicate that such kind of nanostructures potentially ensure highly beneficial conditions for catalytic applications.