Invited speaker---Prof. Dr. Choi Choon Gi

Prof. Dr. Choi Choon Gi, Graphene Research Lab. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea
Title: Graphene Composite Sensors for Human Activity Detection
Abstract: Sensing with continuous measurement of physiological parameters is an effective way to monitor personal health. Wearable and flexible health monitoring devices, such as smart bracelets, wrist-bands and smart watches, are becoming a new popular fashion. For human friendly comfortable health monitoring systems, sensor integrated or mounted wearable systems are required. In addition, wearable and flexible sensors which are able to be integrated into clothes should be comfortable and do not affect people’s everyday life and activities.
In this talk, flexible and wearable physical sensors (pressure and strain) for human activity detection are introduced. Two sensors are based on graphene composites such as rGO (Reduced Graphene Oxide)-SWCNT composite coated fabrics and MoS2/Graphene foam/Ecoflex hybrid nanostructures. Sensing performance and reliability at different points such as fingertip, finger joint and wrist for electronic gloves are presented. Sleepiness prevention test at eye rims and nape is also presented. These sensors can be applicable for personalized physiological monitoring, prosthetic hand and leg, car securities, smart shoes and chairs, etc.
Keywords: graphene composite, pressure and strain sensor, human activity detection