Invited speaker---Prof. Yu Lin Song

Prof. Yu Lin Song, Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Asia University, Taiwan, China
Title: Developed the New Novel System of 2.5-D Permutation Power Transmission Line to Decrease Electro-Magnetic Influence at High Technology Nano-Fab
Abstract: Based on the actually measured magnetic data from a semiconductor wafer fab/plant, a simulation model was established and performed via COMSOL software. The preliminary results demonstrated that the original magnetic fields of 8mG to 90mG had been reduced to below 3mg level after the permutation of the three-phase four-wire power lines was rearranged accordingly. It is expected when the proposed high conductivity passive materials are utilized simultaneously; the overall magnetic field will be significantly reduced further down.
Thus, the results of this proposed research project not only can enhance the protection of the plant staff being magnetically fielded and caused cancers, but also, can reduce the impact on fabrication tools/instruments. Moreover, the generic framework constructed in this proposed research project can be refined and applied to other types of high tech fabs/plants, advanced R&D labs, medical institutes and wherever required high electricity consumption which resulted in high magnetic field.
We present optimal permutation with 2.5-D power transmission lines system to reduce electro-magnetic influence at high technology nano-Fab. In this study, the magnetic field was lessened by mirror array power cable system, and simulation of results predicted the best permutations to decrease electromagnetic influence (EMI) value below 0.28 mG at working space without any shielding. Furthermore, this innovative method will cost down at high technology nano-Fab especially for 28 nanometer process.
Keywords: Extreme low frequency, semiconductor, 18" wafer, 5nm, magnetic field reduce, COMSOL.