Invited speaker---Dr. Xun Cao

Dr. Xun Cao, Associate Professor, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Title: Optical and Electrical Properties of Epitaxial VO
2 Thin Films and Device Applications
Abstract: For correlated materials, charge-spin-orbital-lattice interactions have spawned a rich variety of electronic phases. Vanadium dioxide (VO
2), an archetypal correlated oxide compound, undergoes a temperature-driven metal-insulator transition (MIT) near room temperature with a concomitant change in crystal symmetry. In VO
2 single crystals, MIT shows a sudden jump in electrical resistivity by a factor of Δρ/ρ≥10
4, and is also accompanied by a rutile-monoclinic structural phase-transition. This sharp MIT above room temperature promises a wide range of potential applications, such as fast optoelectronic switches, Mott transistors, memristors, and artificial neuron networks. Most of these applications require low-dimensional geometries such as thin films and deliberate control of MIT dynamics at the nanoscale, including phase nucleation and evolution. In this presentation, I will talk about the most important effects of strain (tensile/compressive/free-standing) on the MIT behaviors of epitaxial VO
2 thin films. How to control the strain of thin films can benefit for the modulation of phase-transition performance of VO
2 materials. Also with the control of phase-transition behaviors, people can utilize the optical and electrical properties of VO
2 and develop potential devices. In addition, the mechanism of the phase-transition behavior in VO
2 materials is also very interesting. Realizing control of properties of VO
2 by defects modulation is an efficient route for understanding the nature of phase-transition and developing novel functional devices for practical applications.
Keywords: Correlated materials, VO
2, epitaxial growth, strain, modulation